Christians Embracing NFL Anthem Rule Lost Site Of Jesus’ Philosophy

When I see christians embracing the NFL decision to restrict a player’s right to dissent and nullifying a player’s freedom of speech I am reminded of how morally weak too many of them are.

It reminds me of the mindset that led to the creation of the Southern Baptist Church.

The church was established during the Civil War because a group of nationalist christians believed God condoned slavery. They built their belief around an interpretation of the Noah story — where he curses one of his sons into slavery (and apparently waved a magic wand and changed his son’s race). Those christians did not have the moral fortitude to go against popular opinion and do the right thing. They had no desire to solve the social injustice of slavery.

The same holds true today as many christians intentionally and willfully ignore the fact that a man kneeled because of social injustice and White people reframed his movement. As this NFL story unfolds, yet another video had been released of an unarmed Black man being manhandled and tased by White officers. Systematic racism is real. It needs to be solved.

I personally expect political leaders like Pence and Trump to exploit fear, racism, classism and good ole fashioned willful ignorance. But I expect more from those who claim to follow the ‘Prince of Peace.’

I’ve read the Book, Jesus believed in solving social injustice.

And he didn’t give a damn about a flag.

Categories: My America, Religion

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