Drama Of American History Series

51QKDZ69GPL__SX401_BO1,204,203,200_If you want to learn more about your country’s history, but are short on time or already have an extended reading list — the Drama of American History Series is a great solution.

Even though the books — nearly 25 in all — are designed for middle school to junior high — they contain quite a bit of data.  Since the goal of the authors is broad overviews of the subjects, some of the stories are greatly shortened, but if your goal is to become more informed about American history, these books can help you quickly accomplish that task.

I’ve listened to three or four books and each one has been enjoyable and insightful. The books are relatively inexpensive (most are under $5), but you can probably get them at your local library or through Overdrive. Here are a few of the titles:

The books are written by award-winning authors Christopher Collier and James Lincoln.

Categories: American History, Books I have read, Children's Books | Tags:

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